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Prevent algae in your pond

Prevent algae in your pond

Too much organic material, like fish waste or leaves or algae blooms and then combined sunlight and you have a big problem on your hands.

What is all this green stuff in my pond? Algae can take a pond from looking incredible beautiful to not appealing to look at all. Algae can also ruin your water quality and make life more difficult for your fish.


Types of algae

Too much organic material, like fish waste or leaves or algae blooms and then combined sunlight and you have a big problem on your hands.


  • Planktonic algae – Is a floating microscopic vegetation is what makes some ponds look like pea soup. It will turn water shades of green blue-green, brown, or any color in between. Planktonic algae is the start of the food chain, so small amounts in your pond are helpful. They feed fish and help shade the bottom of the pond. But when planktonic algae get out of control, they can deplete the oxygen in your pond. This could kill your livestock.


  • Filamentous algae – Also called string algae, these plants are made of single-cell plants. They then connect to form long chains. These threads can grow at the bottom of shallow water, on rocks, or on other plants. Filamentous algae intertwine to form mats that look kind of like wet wool. 

How to prevent algae

Make sure your pond ecosystem is healthy. These four factors can keep algae in check and help you enjoy a beautiful, balanced pond.

  1. Fish – Overpopulation can be problematic for any neighborhood – including your pond. If your fish reproduce and the pond starts to get a little crowded, it’s going to contain more fish waste, too. What you feed your fish and how often can impact the amount of fish waste. And algae love fish waste.


  1. Plants – Like algae, plants chow down on the nutrients in a pond. The more plants you have, the less food there is for algae. Plants can also help shade your pond from direct sunlight, which can also keep algae at bay


  1. Filtration –. The right filtration system helps keep the water clean and keep the algae out. Filtration is especially important for ponds that have lots of fish or tend to attract a lot of debris.


  1. Aeration –Fish still need oxygen. Adding a fountain or waterfall might not do enough to oxygenate your pond. An aeration kit will get more oxygen into your pond.


For more information stop by for a visit and we will be happy to answer any questions.

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