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Things to Think about When Considering a Custom Fish Tank

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  • By Aquarium Illusions
Things to Think about When Considering a Custom Fish Tank

If you have been an aquarium hobbyist for some time, you likely have desired a custom aquarium. Or maybe you noticed a beautiful custom-built aquarium in a restaurant, casino, or business. Typically, custom aquariums are larger than your average tank and can be of almost any size — you’ve probably even seen some that wouldn’t even fit inside your home! They can be incorporated into any room or space. Both freshwater or saltwater fish can be used in custom aquariums, however, saltwater fish contain some of the most colorful species on the plant, which is why the majority of custom aquariums are saltwater displays.

Of course, trying to create a custom aquarium on your own can be a challenge, but at Aquarium Illusions, our team of experts is here to help. In this blog, we’ll review three things you should think about when considering a custom fish tank for your home

The Size of the Aquarium

Custom aquariums can be built to just about any size, since realistically, your budget would be the only limitation. You may want a larger aquarium in your living room that serves as a focal point or something smaller to sit in between cabinets in the kitchen. Ultimately, the size you choose for your aquarium will significantly depend on how much space is available in your home and what your budget is.

Keep in mind, the size and number of fish you want will also affect the size of the tank. Many aquarium experts recommend never having more than one inch of fish per gallon of water.

The Material of the Aquarium

Custom made aquariums come in a variety of interesting shapes and sizes. Depending on the style you are going for, you’ll have to decide between glass and acrylic material. Typically glass aquariums are less expensive than acrylic, plus they do not scratch as easily. Acrylic tanks, on the other hand, are lightweight, seamless, and are more durable than glass, making them more likely to withstand an exceptional blow. Not to mention, there are endless possibilities in customizing an acrylic tank — you can design the shape, style, and backgrounds to match the interior of the room you are planning to put your aquarium in.

The right material for your custom aquarium build depends on the size design of your aquarium system. If you are wanting a large, unique aquarium, acrylic is generally the way to go.

The Shape of the Aquarium

Custom aquariums come in array shapes, but the traditional rectangular fish tank is ideal and the most versatile as it can be used in almost any setup. Depending on your taste, it can be tall or wide. Cylindrical and tall hexagonal fish tanks are becoming a very popular choice. Tall aquariums have smaller bases allowing them to fit easily into a room, while still providing enough room for the fish. Usually, rectangular tanks will look best against a wall, are easier to clean, and have a greater surface area allowing for better water circulation and oxygen exchange. Plus, there will be plenty of swimming space for the fish.

After you consider these three things, you will be closer to getting your custom built aquarium! The next step is to contact a custom aquarium design company. And when it comes to custom aquariums in Canada, there’s no better team to work with than Aquarium Illusions!

With a passion for aquatic life and a love for aquarium design and architecture, the design team at Aquarium Illusions designs the most captivating aquatic concepts. We can create a large or small custom aquarium to fit your wants, needs, and budget. Our team is here to guide you through the process of creating and maintaining a custom fish tank. To request a free custom aquarium consultation, contact our team today!


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