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An Ounce of Prevention

An Ounce of Prevention

Recent changes by Health Canada have greatly impacted our access to medications for our aquariums, but we've always believed that medications should the last resort for your fish. Proper water, proper nutrition and a proper environment will help control disease or illness better than medications. Like the old saying goes; an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.

An Ounce of Prevention

Recent changes by Health Canada have greatly impacted our access to medications for our aquariums, but we've always believed that medications should the last resort for your fish. Proper water, proper nutrition and a proper environment will help control disease or illness better than medications. Like the old saying goes; an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.


Proper Water

Is your filtration adequate for your tank? Ultraviolet sterilizers are inexpensive, easy to install and will control almost all waterborne pathogens.

Are you doing regular water changes? We recommend 20% every two weeks to maintain your water chemistry.

Are you adding supplementary bacteria to your system when doing water changes or making additions? TLC SmartStart, Fritzzyme TurboStart, Aquaforest BioS and Seachem Stability will all help cushion nitrite and nitrate fluctuations and help maintain a healthy environment.


Proper Nutrition

Vitamins, minerals and a well balanced diet are among the building blocks for a strong immune system. Fish should be fed a variety of foods every day. Seaweed, brine, mysis, plantkon and krill either frozen or in flake and pellet should be offered daily. Fortify their diets with vitamin and mineral supplements. Boyd Vitachem, Aquaforest FishV, Ecosystems Reef Solution and Aqua-Tech Selco Boost are all excellent additions. And don't skimp on the Garlic! Garlic oil contains high levels of vitamin C, stimulates feeding in fussy eaters and is a natural anti-parasitic! Food should be soaked in garlic oil daily.


Proper Environment

Stress is the biggest cause of illness in your aquarium. Make sure your fish have adequate hiding places and choose your fish wisely to help limit aggression. If fish feel overcrowded or that they need to compete for food they will become aggressive to their tank mates. If you aren't sure if fish are compatible or a good choice for your system please ask.

Don't overlook the weather! Whether its the middle of winter or a hot August night remember the car ride home. Invest in a small cooler or insulated bag to transport your new additions home.

In the wild your fish have a number of natural controls available to them and they should in your tank as well. Cleaner wrasse, Neon gobies and Cleaner shrimp should be a part of every marine tank. They will actively groom your fish and keep parasites at bay.

We operate two fully independent quarantine systems where we acclimate, observe and treat our fish until they are ready for sale. Even with all of the extra precautions we take you should have your own quarantine at home. A 10 or 20 gallon aquarium, a filter, a heater and a hiding place are all you need. New fish should be kept in isolation for 5-10 days so you can observe their behavior, eating response and overall health before they are placed into your display.

If you have any other questions or require further information please give us at call at (780) 483-7027 or come see us in person 17211 107 Ave, Edmonton

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