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How Much Should I Feed My Aquarium Fish?

How Much Should I Feed My Aquarium Fish?

Feeding Your Fish

Before determining how much you should be feeding your fish, it is always a good idea to start with quality fish food. Aquarium Illusions offers a wide selection of quality fish foods which we stand behind and recommend. Browse our offerings here and select the fish food that is right for your pets. The fish experts at Aquarium Illusions can help you determine if your fish has any special dietary needs or restrictions.


A Whole Lotta’ Love

The most common mistake that new fish owners make is feeding their fish too much, too often. While fish will always eat when they are hungry, their sweet little brains will lead them to eat whenever food is available, regardless of their hunger. This can lead to problems with over-eating and, shall we say, over-wasting. You may be worrying that you’re not feeding your fish enough, but it is the best practice to start with feeding your fish less than you think they may need, and working up to the appropriate amount once you’ve noted some behaviors in your fish.


Five Minute Rule

The amount of food that is necessary for feeding your fish can vary depending on the size and species. The generally accepted rule is that a fish will consume what is required for themselves to be healthy in about five minutes. This will take some trial and error, but try feeding your fish different amounts of food and watch how they eat for a few minutes. If all the food is consumed before five minutes pass, you’re probably going to want to increase the amount of food given. If your fish are still munching away after the five-minute mark, you’ll probably be safe backing off on the amount next time. Once you’ve determined the eating habits of your fish, you’ll be able to hone in on the appropriate amount of food to deliver. 


How Often Should You Feed?

Generally, fish only need to be fed once a day. You can speak with a fish expert at Aquarium Illusions to determine if your fish needs to be fed more often, since the quantity and frequency of feedings can vary between different fish sizes and species. Remember, your little fishy friends will consume whatever is in front of them, so just because they are eating does not mean that they need to be eating that very moment. 


Other Considerations

Be aware of some other factors that may affect how much and when to feed your fish. If your fish is a herbivore or an omnivore, their needs may be different. Fish that are nocturnal may also have different feeding habits and require you to feed them in a specific manner or time of day to get what they need to be healthy. 


We’re Your #1 Resource

Aquarium Illusions is committed to helping you take care of your fish and maintain their environment in the best way possible. Please take the liberty to stop in or contact us with any questions you may have concerning your aquatic animals. We look forward to serving you!


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